Sunday, July 19, 2009

I believe.[:

I thank you, God, for what you've taught me in life.
I thank you for everything I have learned, everything I have lived through and everyone I have been able to meet.
I thank you for giving me this life, I thank you for giving me the chance to help others.
I thank you for every talent you have given me.
I thank you, so much, for every feature I have been born with.
I thank you for the people I have in my life, I thank you for the family and friends I have.
And I ask for your forgiveness for every sin I have made.
I'm sorry, God, for being so stubborn and not believing in you.
I need you in my life, I'll always need you in my life.
I need your guidance..
I need to find my place in life.
Since I stopped 'believing', I thought I could do just fine on my own.
But I can't..
I need you.
My life hasn't been the same without you.
I'm sorry, so sorry, that I never realized.
I'm tired of being like this.
I need you in my life, always.I need your guidance.I just ask for your forgiveness, and that I'm so sorry.
God, I believe in you.
And I love you.
I vow to make myself a better person, for you.
I will always try helping people when they need it.
I love you, God, and I believe in you.
And I always will, no matter what.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What's best.

There's a hole in my heart,
And an ache in my chest.
I don't know what to say,
I'm not sure what's best.

Endless days and dreary nights,
Turn into sadness and weary fights.
Love is just another word with a sorry-ass definition,
Falling out of life is just another little expedition.

There's a bullet through my heart,
And there's blood on my chest.
I don't know what to say,
I'm not sure what's best.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Gah O.O

You can't help but worry about things sometimes.
Like, anything.
Some days are just simple bad days, nothing more.
Next morning, we all wake up feeling perfectly fine, ready to start a new day.
But what if, it's not that?
What if it's something far more than just a bad day?
What would you do, if you found your world crashing down all around you?
Weight obsession.
What's my sexuality?
Could I tell?
Hey, do you think my parents would be okay with my religion?
Everyday problems.
You may think 'Big whoop. Get over it.' but it's far more complicated then you ever dreamt to think of.
You may stagger over to the mirror, face drenched in crystal clear tears, and wonder, "What is wrong with me?"
You may run a blade across your ivory skin, thinking it'll help.
Tell yourself everyday, it's going to be okay.
Everything will work out.
But will it?
I try staying positive every single day.
I'm very optimistic.
It works out.
I'm often happy.
But, I still have problems that taunt me with their very existence.