Sunday, July 19, 2009

I believe.[:

I thank you, God, for what you've taught me in life.
I thank you for everything I have learned, everything I have lived through and everyone I have been able to meet.
I thank you for giving me this life, I thank you for giving me the chance to help others.
I thank you for every talent you have given me.
I thank you, so much, for every feature I have been born with.
I thank you for the people I have in my life, I thank you for the family and friends I have.
And I ask for your forgiveness for every sin I have made.
I'm sorry, God, for being so stubborn and not believing in you.
I need you in my life, I'll always need you in my life.
I need your guidance..
I need to find my place in life.
Since I stopped 'believing', I thought I could do just fine on my own.
But I can't..
I need you.
My life hasn't been the same without you.
I'm sorry, so sorry, that I never realized.
I'm tired of being like this.
I need you in my life, always.I need your guidance.I just ask for your forgiveness, and that I'm so sorry.
God, I believe in you.
And I love you.
I vow to make myself a better person, for you.
I will always try helping people when they need it.
I love you, God, and I believe in you.
And I always will, no matter what.